Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tiki Barber, Ladies And Gentlemen

Traci Lynn Johnson New Girlfriend Tiki Barber Afair 300x218 Traci Lynn Johnson New Girlfriend Tiki Barber Afair Photos

Hey Tiki, you announced your retirement midway through a season and were a huge distraction to your team, then you retired and started ripping old teammates, then thought you were going to be the next Matt Lauer and were a cocky shit head on NBC, then left your wife, who was eight months pregnant with twins, for a 23 year old NBC intern who you sent flowers to when she was still in college, then were fired from NBC for fucking a 23 year old NBC intern, and now you're broke and can't pay your child support.  What are you going to do next!?!?

"I'm going to be a third down back for the Oakland Raiders or something ... maybe the Toronto Argonauts!"

Fucking loser.

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