Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Iran To Boycott Olympics

Iran is threatening to boycott of the 2012 London Olympics because it claims the official logo for the games reembles the word "Zion", which is a biblical term for Jerusalem.  Bahram Afsharzadeh, the secretary-general of Iran's National Olympic Committee, says he sent a letter to IOC president Jacques Rogge in which he condemns the logo as "racist" and calls upon other Muslim countries to join in protest. The logo was unveiled four years ago to mass criticism, almost all of which had to do with the awkward, bulky design and not pro-Zionist conspiracy

Really Iran?  Really??  How 'bout you kids pump the breaks a little bit and think about this.  You're going to boycott the games because you're offended by the logo?  Weak.  Completely weak.  Wait?  What?  Not being sensitive to their religion you say?  Not it at all.  I didn't even really read the article, I don't even know why they're upset.  All I know is that they're trying to protest the Olympics by boycotting them.  You're Iran, dude.  You're not China.  You're not Russia.  You're Iran.  You won two medals last time through, and one of them was in Tae Kwon Do.  Being good at that should make you lose medals.  The other was in men's wrestling, 55 Kg weight class.  In other words, 120 pounds.  Really fellas, 120 lbs?  I've seen house cats that weigh more than that.  I weighed that in fucking junior high.  Iran boycotting the Olympics is like senators from Rhode Island boycotting D.C. because the real senators from New York and California are picking on them.  The rest of the senate would be like, "Seriously?  Rhode Island says they aren't coming?  Like, for real?  Fucking awesome, lets break out the Blue Label."  Come on Iran, be better.  I'm sure you guys can come up with other ways of trying to make your point ... actually, let's just stick with the boycott.  Yep, the boycott is good.  We're good.  Aaaaand break.


  1. Reason #178,453 why dropping Steinberg and legally changing my name to Whitewater would be a sound decision.

  2. I'm pretty sure I weighed 120lbs in Third Grade...damn, I should have entered the Olympics.
