Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Students Shouldn't Vote ... There, I Said It


Ahead of the 2012 campaign, states debate voting rights

If some GOP lawmakers get their way, it could be a whole lot tougher for people across the country to cast a ballot in the upcoming 2012 presidential election.

Boosted by major electoral gains in state legislatures nationwide in the 2010 campaign, Republican lawmakers in 32 states are pushing measures that would require citizens to show a state identification or proof of citizenship to vote.  Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, GOP lawmakers are proposing new limits on college students who vote in the state, potentially eliminating a key base of electoral support for Democrats in the state ahead of the upcoming presidential election


I know Jon Stewart will probably flip out about this and make some confused Scooby Doo sound and make a weird face, and everyone in the audience will laugh their asses off like he just invented comedy or something, but fuck it, I agree with this.  College students should not be able to vote unless they can prove that they're citizens of that state.  Shit, no one should, right?  And this does not eliminate a key base for democrats.  It just makes these students do what I did every year in college; vote in my home fucking state with an absentee ballot.  You know why?  Because when people vote for president, they also vote for other things.  Namely, state and local issues that 9 time out of 10 they don't know shit about.  Guess what actual residents of Maine don't want?  6,000 tree huggers from Bates, Colby, and Bowdoin voting straight ticket left wing because they just took social anthropology and hate capitalism this month.  Those kids should vote, they absolutely should.  But do it in your own state. 

And one other thing.  Voting in more than one state doesn't make you a cool, social crusader.  It makes you a criminal. 

And seriously, "Vote or Die!"?  That's the dumbest fucking slogan ever.  If you don't know crap about the issues, don't vote.  Don't get me wrong.  If you do know your stuff, then vote.  Vote up a God damn storm.  But if you don't, don't.

So how's that for my most boring, unpopular post ever?  Nice, huh?

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