Thursday, March 3, 2011

Big Dig Firm To Help Run T Project

This is a real fucking headline.  I couldn't make this shit up if I tried:

Big Dig firm to help run T Project
"Parsons Brinckerhoff is a global firm with 14,000 employees and what it terms “a rich and proud’’ 126-year history, but in Boston it is best known for its role overseeing the Big Dig.  The megaproject was beset by delays, difficulties, and cost overruns, and marred by a 2006 ceiling collapse that killed a Jamaica Plain woman. Since then, the firm has been a magnet for criticism, especially as it bid for public contracts, even though the financial settlement it agreed to with the state, to avoid criminal prosecution over the Big Dig, did not preclude it from bidding on future projects."
By Eric Moskowitz, Boston Globe
Globe Staff / March 3, 2011

Are you fucking kidding me?  This fucking firm again?  Does anyone making decisions in this town remember the cluster fuck of a dumpster fire that the Big Dig was?  Bitches died, bitch!  They said it would take a few years or something.  It took like 50 or some shit.  I'm not good at math, but that's fucking bad.  When the Big Dig started, we didn't hate Bill Buckner yet.  That's a long fucking time ago.

And now they're going to work on the T?  Are you kidding me?  As it is, being on the T is like going to a party in a phone booth that seven people who just ate tuna and asparagus peed in, and you're the only one there who isn't pissed at the world or literally shitting in his sweatpants.  Oh yeah, a kid just threw up and no one seems to care or even look up.  And no one-arm-pushup guy, I'm not going to give you $5 no matter how many pushups you can do.  Pretty sure that guy over there is dead.  Fuck the T.  And now the Big Dig fuck-ups are gonna run it?  The only good experiences I've ever had involving the T are not getting killed on the T.  And now that might be going out the window with these magicians in charge.

This is great, just great.  Great decision making out of you, Boston.  Hey, while we're at it, lets get Jimmy Hoffa to sharpen up the A.G.'s office.  Maybe have Phillip Markoff coach the BC women's soccer team or something?  Need someone to run the D.A.R.E. program?  Let's see what Len Bias is up to.  If you're looking for state run daycare, I hear the Catholic Church has some space for rent. 

Seriously Boston, get your shit together on this one.  The T is bad enough as it is.  If it gets any worse I'll probably just hop on the Orange line, take it in to Roxbury, and see what happens.

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