Thursday, March 3, 2011

'Cuddle Drug' May Help Couples Bond ... Or Someone Just Created Female Equivalant To Roofy

Well I hope you're happy asshole guy who invented the roofy.  See what you did here?  By being a huge loser who couldn't get laid on your own and creating your stupid roofy, you created this backlash.  You made your drug to get a woman to sleep with you, and now women are back on the attack, creating drugs to make us want to be around them.  Fuck you roofy guy.  Because you had no game and had to drug girls into bed, chicks are now gonna drug us into thinking that we want to be cute and cuddle and shit.  I don't want to be cute.  I don't even want to want to be cute.  Horse shit roofy guy, horse shit.  You did this.

Also, a "cuddle" drug?  From the sounds of it, it just makes people want to be around people more, be closer to people, open up, and feel good with everyone.  Is that it?  Because if that's it, we already had that.  It's called Ecstasy. 

If I don't want to cuddle, I don't want to get drugged into cuddling.  It's emotional rape.  And if I do want to want to cuddle, I'll just take some Ecstasy and rip some vodka bullets. 


  1. i dont think you have to worry ricky. no one wants to cuddle with you. no one even wants to want to cuddle with you.
