Monday, March 7, 2011

Bart Scott Trademarks Crazy, Angry Rant

After ranting and raving like a lunatic in a post game interview, Jets linebacker  Bart Scott, upon being told "see you in Pittsburgh" screams "Can't wait!" like a god damn maniac.  And then the wildfire raged.  I gotta give it to him, it was pretty hilarious.  I think there were a few days there where all I said in response to anything was "Can't wait!"  My secretary told me that she had a doctor's appointment and would be back at 3:00.  Can't wait!  My landlord calls me to tell me that my rent it late and asked if I'd get it in the mail today.  Can't wait!  Weatherman says it's gonna rain.  Can't wait!  There is no situation where it doesn't work.   And with the success of "can't wait" growing by the minute, Bart Scott did what any red blooded American would do ... he started looking to cash in on it.  So, he trademarked it.  Now, I don't know how many two word phrases have been trademarked, but I think some people should take Scott's lead and cash in on some of their more genius thoughts.  For example ...
  • "I've had to overcome a lot of diversity" - Drew Gooden, on life in the NBA
  • "The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century" -  Vice President Dan Quayle
  • "Because there are no fours" -  Antoine Walker, when asked why he shoots so many threes
  • "Facts are stupid things" - Ronald Regan
  • "I want to rush for 1,000 or 1,500 yards, whichever comes first." - New Orleans Saint RB George Rogers
  • "The only happy artist is a dead artist, because only then you can't change. After I die, I'll probably come back as a paintbrush" - Sylvestor Stallone
  • “I wanna kiss you. I couldn't care less about the team struggguulliing…We're looking to make a noise now and ... I wanna kiss you!” – Joe Namath
  • "For NASA, space is still a high priority" - Vice President Dan Quayle
  • "Straight cash, homey" – Randy Moss
  • "I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix" - Vice President Dan Quayle
  • "I want to eat your children" Mike Tyson
  • "I think war is a dangerous place" - George W Bush
  • "I'm going to murder you bitch" - O.J. Simpson

1 comment:

  1. You just know that Charlie Sheen is next in line with "Winning!"
