Thursday, March 3, 2011

Boston's Lesser Known Statues

"After President Obama awarded former Boston Celtic Bill Russell a Medal of Freedom, the president also called for a statue in Boston to recognize the legendary center.   If the city chooses to create a statue for Russell, he will join the venerable rank of not only Boston's famous bronzed forefathers, such as John Harvard (left), but also a Norse explorer, Harvard professor, and, yes, a handful of athletes.   Read on to see some of the region's lesser-known and offbeat pieces of public art."
Doug Flutie The Boston College campus houses a 6-foot statue that pays homage to the quarterback whose 'Hail Mary' touchdown pass in 1984 earned him a key spot in college football history. Flutie's statue stands outside of the college's Alumni Stadium, where the Eagles play.
Cy Young The namesake of the annual award that goes to baseball's best pitcher can be found memorialized on the campus of Northeastern, outside the campus's Cabot Center. The statue is said to be located at the site of the field where Young, baseball's winningest pitcher, led Boston to its first World Series victory in 1903 .

I applaud Ryan's efforts to inform us of the lesser known monuments around town, and felt obligated to follow her lead and help expose everyone to some more, even lesser known statues.  You're welcome, America.

This inspirational muse is located just outside of Boston's Planned Parenthood on Commonwealth Ave.  The city has long seen this artistic sculpture as inspiration and motivation to not have so many God damn kids if you can't afford them and/or are just going to let them piss all over the T.  Sadly, there remains a shockingly high number of Bostonians who have not seen this elegant portrayal of a dude beasting little kids, and who continue to pop out kids like they are mentos.

This emerald icon is located at the bottom of the stair case at Clery's.  It serves as a warning to all those who find themselves going in to the basement of Clery's, where all dignity is lost and self respect commits suicide.  Legend has it that the statue is meant to remind you that "if you come down here, you might end up fucking a turtle in the ass tonight ... no really, it's happened ... like, more than once ... it's lawless down here ... shit gets weird."  It has yet to discourage anyone from entering the grind-tank that is Clery's boom-boom room.

This one's in the South End.

This lovely lady is located in Forest Hills, and is meant to depict every fat shit that has ever been on the Orange Line.  As you can see, this statue presents the shameless and disgusting people of the Orange Line.  I think that's a bucket on her head.

This statue is a beautiful and perfect representation of Down Town Crossing.  The hand dangling in the air, waiting for a handout, while he drunkenly drools on to his chest.  A perfect way to represent the part of town that was described to me as the place in town where "girls get raped during the day."

This gem, located in the attic of every Catholic Church in the city, memorializes the strong bond between the church and it's young followers.  The strength that is provided by a life lived rooted in faith is equaled only by the reward that the church receives in satisfaction, knowing they are making life-long impressions on their followers.  Boy, that was a mouthful.


  1. That sculpture of the man and kids is in Oslo. I am pro life, but no need to lie in order to make a point.

  2. Seriously, LYING doesn't help make your case.
