Thursday, March 10, 2011

Top 5 Football Movies Of All Time

We've done baseball.  We've done basketball.  Let's do football.

5.  We Are Marshall (2006) - HA!  No, not really.  Didn't see it.  Sounded like it sucked.  But McConaughey is in it.  And he's such an idiot that I don't even mind him.  Talk about livin' the dream, he just walks around, does push-ups, and gets laid.  Sign me up.

4.  The Waterboy (1998) - Tell me you didn't want to do dirty things to Vicki Vallencourt.  Yeah, you did.  She was the kind of white-trash hot that you wanted to get into but didn't want to tell anyone about.  Mid 90's trailer park Goth with that cheep red lipstick and random tattoo?  Yup.

3.  Varsity Blues (1999) - Any movie that can take Dawson Leery and turn him into Mox deserves a friggin' Oscar.   It's like he left the set of The Creek, took some of Steve's cool juice, and went from Steve Urkel to Stefan Urquelle.  And so many great scenes.  Hot for teacher?  I give it a 10!  And who didn't try to get their high school girlfriend to do the whip cream bikini?  And gotta love Tweeter.  "Ladies, shut up and hold on to your nipples!"

2.  Remember The Titans (2000) - All that racial tension in our nation's history, and all we had to do was jam out in a locker room, and we would have been good.  Who'd a thunk it.

1.  Any Given Sunday (1999) - I mean, what a great God damn speech.  Also, LT cuts a car in half with a fucking chainsaw.  Then he goes and rapes a 12 year old, but whatever.

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