Ever heard of Rube Waddell? No? You should. He racked up six consecutive AL strikeout titles (1902–07), and five consecutive strikeout titles (1903–07) in the entire Major Leagues. He won 20 games four times. He set a then single game record for strikeouts with 16, and set the record for strikeouts in a season for an AL lefty (349). But that's just the tip of the iceberg for this guy.
Here's a gchat conversation I had with Batman last night, discussing how awesome Rube Waddell was.
Samuel: Are you aware of this mother fucker? We're in our late 20's, is it too late to have heros?
me: (after briefly reading his wiki bio, linked below) i dont yet know what im going to do with this, but it will be something great
Samuel: it is really overwhelming. it is like eating too much fudge
it is so good but you cant stop and you are going to get sick and vomit a lot
me: im drunk now
Samuel: pace your self, son
me: i stopped pacing myself in 2002
Samuel: agreed
me: he spent the entirety of his first signing bonus on a drinking binge
Samuel: fucking guy forgot how many women he was married to
and was bitten by a lion
and won 22 games
me: if i could say one of those three things i would consider myself a winner ... he had all three ... champion
Samuel: it is really amazing.
me: actual question: would you rather live his life and die at 38 or live our lives and die at an undetermined time that is most likely in our early 70's?
Samuel: HIS
me: Fact
Samuel: next question
Get some knowledge kid http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rube_Waddell
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