Wednesday, March 9, 2011

About Time Science Did Something For Me

Friggin' science.  Just when I think you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this…and totally redeem yourself!  Thanks, scientists.  And yes, I'm staring at your tits.


  1. refrain from looking at breast for 5 years. how is that possible?

  2. Lowers resting heart rate and blood pressure...but what about all those nut punches? Or does breast-staring also improve reflexes?

  3. I don't see humans for ten minutes a day...

  4. I think it's a no brainer...staring at breasts makes people happy. More interestingly/ and unrealistic is to find subjects willing to refrain from looking at breasts for five years. I mean, those guys must be miserable as it is. Of course they'll have shit wrong with them.
