Fuck you Mrs. Wallace. Get a fucking life. This kid is on his phone because you suck at being a teacher. I mean, I get it, you're trying to be clever and you think that busting Brad on facebook is stealth. A few problems, bitch.
First, you're friends with your student. Nothing screams "I'm a big fucking loser who really just wants attention, I don't care where I get it" than friending you students. And clearly this kid isn't like a senior or junior even. He's of an age where his mom is taking his phone away when he gets home from school. Brad is probably like 12 or some shit. Good work, Mrs. Wallace. You're tricking you're 12 year old student on facebook. Sweet life.
Second, you wrote a freekin' novel. One sentence: "Get off of facebook." That would have done it. That's all that was needed. But what do you do? You write fucking Mobey Dick. You're teaching a class, you loser. Don't write a book on facebook in the middle of class. Christ all mighty.
Third, "I see your friends with your parents." Really, Mrs. Wallace? "Your friends with your parents." I hope that you're kidding with that one you stupid rat. You're a teacher, maybe know the difference between you're and your. Just a suggestion. Also, probably don't need three question marks ending every question. Just sayin'.
Fuck you, Mrs. Wallace.
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