Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hugo Chavez Wants To Destroy Venezuela

Hugo Chavez's Latest Target in Venezuela: Breast Implants

"President Hugo Chávez’s political movement has found a new target: golf.   After a brief tirade against the sport by the president on national television last month, pro-Chávez officials have moved in recent weeks to shut down two of the country’s best-known golf courses, in Maracay, a city of military garrisons near here, and in the coastal city of Caraballeda."

"For Mr. Chávez, however, imported whiskey is no joke. He has made it clear that there is little space for Scotch in his “Bolivarian revolution,” once describing oil executives as 'living in chalets performing orgies, drinking whiskey.'"

"President Hugo Chávez is known to have expressed little patience for imported leisure pursuits like golf or Scotch whisky tippling. Now he has reserved some ire for another practice that is beloved in Venezuela: breast augmentation surgery."


Seriously dude?  You were friggin' ousted from power in a coup d'état in 2002 and your whole fucking country went on strike for like three months.  Are you trying to get yourself assassinated??  No golf.  No whiskey.  No boobs.  I'm not even Venezuelan and I'm fired up.  Take golf away from me, and I'm pissed.  Take away boobs, and things are going to get ugly.  Take away whiskey?  I will fucking murder your whole fucking family.  Not even kidding about that last one.  But take away all three?  You have a death wish dude.

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