Sunday, February 27, 2011

Why The Hell Is Shawn Bradley In Space Jam?

Space Jam was on last night.  Great friggin' movie.  Quite possibly Bill Murrary's best work.  Loved it when it came out when I was 11, and loved it last night.  When I was 11, though, I somehow overlooked the fact that Shawn Bradley is in the movie.  What the fuck?  Really?  You have Patrick Ewing, Charles Barkley, Larry Johnson, Michael Jordan, Larry Bird ... and Shawn Bradley.  Five of those guys have put on Team USA jerseys.  The other one is this guy over here.  Absolutely amazing.  Only in America.  So after the movie, I thought that there probably was some Shawn Bradley gold on youtube that I should probably check out.  I was right.

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