Saturday, February 26, 2011

An A-Rod Redemption Story? No Thanks

(Tim Brown, TAMPA, Fla. – For those who had Alex Rodriguez in the middle of some crazy/embarrassing/silly/beneath-a-Yankee ordeal by now, two years after he copped to the steroids mess and returned promising a new and more genteel A-Rod, are you convinced?  For you who doubted he could fold into the program, bring his bat and glove and leave the rest at home – satisfied yet?  Will you ever be?

What?  Am I satisfied with what?  Satisfied with the fact that A-Rod is a huge douche-monger who is more obsessed with his image than LeBron James, Keith Olbermann, and Bill O'Reilly combined?  Satisfied with the fact that kissing  yourself in a mirror isn't really that awesome?  Satisfied with the fact that having a centaur painted with your gay head on it is sweet?  Satisfied with the fact that trying to slap the ball our of Bronson Arroyo's hand is something other than bitch?  Satisfied with the fact that you're as roided  up as Chris Benoit?  If so, then yeah, I guess I'm satisfied. 

You can read the entire article here

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