Watching Dane Cook on Comedy Central. He was awesome for like 45 minutes in 2003. Now? Pretty much a huge ass-bag. So I'm watching him and trying to pretend that I don't think that he sucks. No luck, he sucks. So now I'm trying to think of what would be funnier to watch right now. Here's what I have after thinking about it for four minutes:
Kittens with AIDS
Killing my family
Shitting out of my eyes
Keanu Reeves
Getting fired
SNL from 2002-2007
Howard the Duck
Being the Elephant Man
Tom Green
Hanging out with Tiki Barber
HPV and/or not knowing what that bump is
Fucking the Golden Girls ... but only the dead ones, nothing fun with Betty White
Jay Leno
The episode of Dawson's Creek when Mitch dies
Getting to third base with the push-up guy on Mass. Ave. at Tia's on a Saturday night in July
What'd I miss?
favorite one on the site right now..'episode of dawson creek when mitch dies'..also like the shawn kemp one, may be biased to that one though, as he is also one of my favorite athletes/men/fathers in life...