For a long time Charlie Hustle denied betting on baseball, while asking for reinstatement to Major League Baseball year after year. The general consensus among many was that if and when Pete Rose finally admitted that he bet on the game, then he would in fact be reinstated, and then be elected to the Hall of Fame. After all, time heals all wounds. So, following that line of thinking, Rose finally did admit betting on baseball, and asked forgiveness. How did the public respond? No one seemed to care, and rather than being that guy who maybe bet on baseball, he became that old dude with weird hair. No reinstatement. No Hall of Fame. So what does Rose do? He is doing what any self respecting man would do. He is taking maters in to his own hands. And apparently he method of fighting back is by dressing like the biggest dick head on the planet. Scorned by the refusal of the public to forgive, Rose is taking on the public by running around dressed as a gayer Elton John, tempting everyone who lays eyes upon him to claw their own eyes out and jump off a bridge into a shark tank. Anything to get this ridiculous image out of their head. Well done, Pete, you're fighting back.
Haven't seen what I'm talking about? Oh, well you're in for a treat. Here's a link ...
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